Yonatan Ullman, Mother? 2011, view of the Statue of Liberty through a telescope

Yonatan Ullman, 0val, 2016,
oil stick and whiteout on paper. 40 cm (height) x 60 cm (width)
(photo: Barak Brinker)

Yonatan Ullman, David’s Cross, 2016,
oil stick and whiteout on paper, 40 cm (height) x 60 cm (width) (photo: Barak Brinker)

Yonatan Ullman, “Mother”, “Who am I”, “Please”, “Tze-tze”(tributes to Moshe Gershuni), 2016,
oil stick on paper, each 40 cm (height) x 60 cm (width) (photo: Barak Brinker)

Yonatan Ullman, Legacy (Installation view). 2016.
mixed media, variable dimensions (photo: Barak Brinker)

Yonatan Ullman, Breeding Ground, 2011,
shattered studio walls, variable dimensions (photo: Barak Brinker)

Yonatan Ullman, Rudgum (detail), 2011
pigment-saturated gel-medium and gesso on readymade bronze cast Michelangelo’s David bust replica
height: 212 cm, base diameter: 40 cm (photo: Barak Brinker)

Yonatan Ullman, Rudgum, 2011
pigment-saturated gel-medium and gesso on readymade bronze cast Michelangelo’s David bust replica
height: 212 cm, base diameter: 40 cm (photo: Barak Brinker)

Yonatan Ullman, Moses and me, 2016,
oil stick on photo-transfer-glue, 40 cm (height) x 60 cm (width) (photo: Barak Brinker)

Yonatan Ullman, “And who is not” (tribute to Moshe Gershuni). 2016.
oil stick on wall, variable dimensions (photo: Barak Brinker)

Yonatan Ullman, LEGACY (installation view), 2022 mixed media, variable dimensions

Yonatan Ullman, “Va’Yhie” (And there was), 2022
stenciled letters from memorial plaque in lightbox, variable ariable dimensions

Yonatan Ullman, “Bli” (Without), 2022
stenciled letters from memorial plaque in lightbox, variable dimensions